Foundations of Dynamics Macroeconomic Analysis

1 Introduction

This set of lecture notes provides foundations of macro analysis, focusing particularly on the following issues:

  • Fundamentals of Dynamics General Equilibrium
  • Optimal Growth in Discrete Time
  • Optimal Growth in Continuous Time

Basic references:

  • Acemoglu (2009): chs. 5-7
  • Aghion and Howitt (1998): chs. 1-2
  • Barro and Sala-i-Martin: ch. 2, secs. 4.1-4.3
  • Ljungqvist and Sargent (2000): chs. 3 and 11
  • Stokey and Lucas with Prescott (1989): chs. 3-5
  • Wang (2012), “Endogenous Growth Theory,” Lecture Notes, Washington University-St. Louis.

2 Fundamentals

Representative Household

  • To add to this section: Backus, Routledge, and Zin (2004)

  • Representative household is valid when the optimization of individual households can be represented as if there were a single household making the aggregate decisions using a representative preference subject to aggregate constraints.

Consider a particular preferences representations: \[ \max \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^{t} u(c(t)) \]

  • Let the excess demand of the economy be \( \mathbf{x}(p) \).
  • Key: whether this excess demand function \( \mathbf{x}(p) \) can be obtained as a solution to the single household optimization problem.
  • Answer at the first glance: it cannot be so obtained in general as the weak axiom of revealed preferences for individuals need not hold for the aggregate.
Theorem: Debreu-Mantel-Sonnenschein Theorem
Let \( \varepsilon > 0 \) and \( N \in \mathbb{N} \). Consider a set of prices \( \mathbf{P}_{\varepsilon} = \{p \in \mathbb{R}_{ + }^{N}: p_j / p_{j’} \geq \varepsilon \text{ for all } j, j’ \} \) and any continuous function \( \mathbf{x}: \mathbf{P}_{\varepsilon} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{ + }^N \) that satisfies Walras’s Law and is homogeneous of degree 0. Then there exits an exchange economy with \( N \) commodities and \( H < \infty \) households, where the aggregate excess demand is given by \( \mathbf{x}(p) \) over the set \( \mathbf{P}_{\varepsilon} \).
  • To yield a positive answer ensuring the excess demand function \( \mathbf{x}(p) \) to be obtained as a solution to the single household optimiation problem, we need to impose further restrictions, in particular, to remove strong income effects.
  • A special bu useful case for such arepresnentation is to have linear value (indirect utility) function:
Theorem: Gorman ’s Aggregation Theorem
Consider an economy with \( N < \infty \) commodities and a set \( \mathcal{H} \) of households. Suppose that the preference of each household \( h \in \mathcal{H} \) can be represented by an indirect utility function of the form \[ v^{h} (p, w^{h}) = a^{h}(p) + b(p) w^{h} \] and that each household \( h \in \mathcal{H} \) has a positive demand for each commodity. Then these preferences can be aggregated and represented byt hose of a representative household, with indirect utility \[ v(p, w) = a(p) + b(p) w~, \] where \( a(p) \equiv \int_{h \in \mathcal{H}} a^{h}(p)~\mathrm{d}h \), and \( w \equiv \int_{h \in \mathcal{H}} w^{h}~\mathrm{d}h \)is aggregate income.
  • The class of preferences described in this theorem is referred to as “Gorman preferences” (1959 Econometrica)

  • In this class, the Engel curve of each household for each commodity is linear and its slop is identical to all individuals for the same commodity.

  • By Roy’s Identity, \[ x_j^h \left( p, w^h \right) = - \frac{1}{b(p)} \frac{\partial a^{h}(p)}{\partial p_j} - \frac{1}{b(p)} \frac{\partial b(p)}{\partial p_j} w^{h} \] Therefore, for each household, a linear relationship exists between demand and income and the slope \( - \frac{1}{b(p)} \frac{\partial b(p)}{\partial p_j} \),is independent of the household’s identity \( h \).

  • Even under this class of Gorman preferences, a representative household exists, typical macro models require further restrictions on:

    • the abstract of distribution effects from the representative household’s concern (strong representation)
    • the use of the representative household’s preferences as the welfare function of the aggregate economy (normative representation)
  • Normative representation requires convexity, interiority and price-invariant basic value (otherwise, once can transfer \( \varepsilon \) from low to high-valuation households for different \( p \)):

Theorem: Normative Representation

Consider an economy with a finite number \( N < \infty \) of commodities, a set \( \mathcal{H} \) of households, and a convex aggregate production possibilities est \( \mathcal{Y} \). Suppose that the preferences of each household \( h \in \mathcal{H} \) is represented by \( v^{h}(p, w^h) = a^h(p) + b(p) w^h \) with \( p = (p_1, \dots, P_N) \) and that each household \( h \in \mathcal{H} \) has a positive demand for each commodity.

  1. Then any feasible allocation that maximizes the utility of the representative household \( v(p, w)= \sum_{h \in \mathcal{H}} a^{h}(p) + b(p)w \), with \( w \equiv \sum_{h \in \mathcal{H}} w^h \) is Pareto optimal.
  2. If \( a^h (p) = a^h \) for all \( p \) and all \( h \in \mathcal{H} \) (price invariant basic value), then any Pareto optimal allocation maximizes the utilitiies of the representative household.

Representative Firm


Pareto Optimum

Welfare Theorems

Dynamic General Equilibrium

3 Dynamic Programming

4 Optimal Control

5 Conclusion


Backus, David K., Bryan R. Routledge, and Stanley E. Zin. 2004. “Exotic Preferences for Macroeconomists.” Nber Macroeconomics Annual 19 (January): 319–90.