Reading Notes

These are my study notes, where I jotted points of interest when reading research papers, or sometimes, reading for leisure. As such, they may be incomplete, unedited, or involve wonky languages.

These notes are an experimental section of this website. I publish my notes here as a motivation to consistently learn, write, and recapitulate things in a simple manner. Notes are automatically exported from a selected subset of my digital note collection. They are written in Emacs Org-mode format, managed by a package called Org-roam, and is exported using ox-hugo. In my system, notes are heavily linked to one another, so by selective exportation some of the hyperlinks may point to nowhere. Just ignore them if you see one.

My main course is economics, but I also read a wide variety of other topics. The frequency of these notes heavily depends on my personal schedule (and frankly, how I feel about this little experiment.) It will slow down when I have deadlines to meet, or speed up when I have more study time. Those who want to get update when new posts are added can subscribe to this rss Feed.

When these notes pile up, I may reorganize them or include short reviews. But for now, here’s the list to all notes: